from hotdog fujoshi, ty! cat cafe thinliquid thinliquid temu makoenergy rice trademark blin sloan eye lel giikis2 aoki553 loveberry

sign my guestbook :3
welcome to the site!!!
this is my WEBSITE where i do WEBSITE things and uh uhhh yeah!!!! i've attempted making a site twice before but i keep forgetting and then it just never gets finished so im really trying my best this time!!!! there will hopefully be lots of fun stuff on this site but who knows !!!!! let me know what you think in my very fancy GUESTBOOK down below :3

donald trump please save us

hosted on | 2024 - ??

Status Cafe Profile
now playing
site updates
8.31.24 now working on shrines pages... also added buttons for other sites on the homepage as well as a new button for this site!!! :3
8.29.24 LINKS PAGE DONEEEE im so excited im actually almost done w the framework omg
8.21.24 finished about page yayy, onto links/socials now, i want to make it really ugly
8.18.24 almost done with the about page methinks! should be published soon hopefully
8.16.24 ermm been fightin g for my life recently so NO updates.. vscode the
8.10.24 added linking for the site buttons yay!!! i wonder how long i can add text here until it becomes tedious...
8.9.24 finish about page mayeb, homepage still isntdone though
8.6.24 im so lazy but we must persist.. will start about page today
8.1.24: happy yaoi day... fighting for my life
7.30.24: finishing main page maybe
7.29.24: tweaking stuff, messing with stuff, IDK
7.28.24: site creation :3 still figuring it all out
to do
idk why its so ugly on chromium browsers (guy who doesnt understand anything)
redo grid layout its so badd
fix "hover" cursor hotspot...ugh